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Monday, June 18, 2012

Ramadan for the Muslim Mom

Remember our Ramadan blog seriesfrom last year? Alhamdulillah, we were able to provide a variety of posts for Muslim moms specifically with the common theme of Ramadan. Our topics varied–from spiritual and physical health, to Ramadan with your kids, to tasty recipes from around the world, and more–all written directly to the Muslim Mom.
As promised in the post linked above, we’re working on compiling the posts into an eBook, “The Ultimate Guide to Ramadan For The Muslim Mom,” Insha’Allah. As the title insinuates, it’s positioned to be the ideal reading companion for the Muslim Mom during our most sacred month of Ramadan, Insha’Allah.
It’s been quite an experience putting together this eBook with Ponn Sabra. I should clarify–a GREAT experience, Alhamdulillah. In almost all my posts, I reflect on how quickly time flies by and how it blows my mind. So once again, my eyes are popping when I look at the calendar and realize Ramadan is a little over a month away Insha’Allah. The time has come to really prepare for this month, and working on this eBook has given me a chance to do just that.
I’ve never co-authored an eBook before, but Khalto Ponn assured me that my year of being the editor and blog manager to her various blogs prepared me for this task. Anxious and excited, I began reading, amending, and formatting. Turned out that the typing and clicking transformed into something much greater, much deeper, and much more meaningful for me. Khalto always explains that writing is a form of ibadah (act of worship) with the right intentions, such as, being focused on Allah subhana Allahu wa Ta’ala. The task and its end product will be accepted as sadaqah jariyah (ongoing charity), Insha’Allah Ta’ala. As shown in this post, SubhanAllah, she is right. Not only is it one of my biggest writing assignments to date, it has also become one of the most rewarding.
While editing, I’m going back and reading all the tips and tricks from the posts, and it’s really getting me into the spirit of Ramadan, Alhamdulillah. Everyone needs a little bit of a spiritual retreat, and SubhanAllah, mine in a way is unfolding as I try to meet the deadline for this project.

Top 10 Reasons Why Alif Arabic Is The Ideal Qur’an and Arabic Program Online

1. Alif Arabic Accepts Girls and Women. Yes, our #1 problem with a family of 3 girls and a non-Arabic speaking wife has been to simply find a program who teaches females, and have female teachers to teach us!
2. Schedules The First Class Within 24-Hours. Since we travel so much, we need the flexibility and ability to schedule almost on-demand. While this may sound quite “demanding” to try to find a program to fit “my” crazy lifestyle; I’ve always been a mom who takes quite a while to decide to make a purchase, but when I make that purchase I want access right away. In a non-Muslim country, Qur’an and Arabic classes are in high-demand, so it always frustrated me that due to limited resources (typically human resources, and lack of know-how) to meet the growing need for flexible scheduling for classes.
3. Classes Are Available 24-Hours a Day 7-Days a Week For Students All Around the World. With a hectic travel schedule both internationally and nationally; being able to have instructors available 24-7 is absolutely awesome! I think this is very important that parents can schedule evening or weekend classes to satisfy their schoolkids’ schedule. However, I prefer normal business hours and the least busy times of the day which are rarely available from in-demand Arabic or Qur’an tutors because they are typically teaching in schools during those times. Most online programs, even if they publicize “great availability”, at time of scheduling they could never accommodate me. I know that Alif Arabic even has students in the UK, and Australia, alhumdulilah. Note: Students must be at least 6 years of age.
4. Many Highly-Trained Male and Female Qur’an and Arabic Instructors.Keyword = Trained. I specifically did not use the word “Qualified”, because instructors may have titles showing that they know the Qur’an or Arabic language, but have no teaching experience or training in being a teacher.
  • Native Arabic Speakers - The greatest advantage of a Native Arabic speaker is the natural pronunciation of letters and words. However, often a teacher’s dialect and accent gets in the way of teaching fusha Arabic. Fortunately, all three of our teachers are either scholars or well-taught in Qur’an; thereby making their Arabic ideal and nearly perfect. We had many Egyptian teachers both in the States and in Egypt itself, and often they are great Qur’an teachers but poor Arabic teachers. We have not found this to be the case at all with the Alif Arabic instructors.
  • Arabic Instructors Have Excellent English. While finding a good Native Arabic-speaking teacher is difficult, finding one (let alone 3 or more) who have a good grasp of the English language is extremely difficult! My girls explain in great detail in their Alif Arabic review here. They explain how frustrating it is to have your Arabic teacher correct you in English the “exact” translation in English which is in poor, broken, unnatural, or incorrect English. It is one of my husband’s and my greatest pet peeves in learning another language. We want all our girls to be fluent in their reading and writing that they will be able to translate English to Arabic and vice versa. So, if you are to translate “al-bint al-hilwah” to “the girl, the pretty” it would be awkward and wrong. It’s “the pretty girl”. In almost every single case, overseas and in the States, an Arabic teacher would take offense or say we were wrong to correct them and insist it’s “the girl pretty” and simply take out the second article “the” to prove they know both languages better. We often witness that arrogance get in the way of a decent Arabic teacher, rather than pride in helping someone learn their native tongue.
  • Instructors Love Their Work. The best of teachers love to teach their greatest passions. It’s so obvious that our three teachers love the Qur’an and the Arabic language, and love teaching it effortlessly. We’ve found many times in the States, an Arabic teacher is a teacher by default, a native-Arabic speaker who’s trying to fill the void of an Arabic teaching position;so they’re just doing their job–and quite poorly. However, this is definitely not the case for our Alif Arabic instructors.
  • Instructors are Determined To Have Their Students Succeed By First Loving What They Are Learning. Alif Arabic teachers are encouraging, motivating, and happy throughout all of our lessons. They are extremely patient during the most difficult lessons too. Never once have my girls or I felt stupid, or ashamed of our mistakes, or even hesitant in trying in fear of possibly sounding idiotic. They all want us to succeed; and this stems from their pure dedication to these subjects, not as a job. We are very fortunate that we have some of their most experienced instructors–all whom you can feel a profound love for Allah subhan Allahu wa Ta’ala. I find that my girls and I are first to laugh at our own mistakes to lighten the mistake…never have any of our teachers laughed, so we know they’d never laugh “at” us. They quickly remark with encouraging words and politely say “try again” or “listen to me”. The amount of patience and pleasantries that are extended by all three instructors to all four of us is remarkable and highly unusual for both Qu’ran and Arabic instructors we’ve ever encountered. Again, we’ve have dozenS of instructors too. Masha Allah, Alif Arabic instructors are ideal!
5. Comprehensive Curriculum with well-paced assessments.
  • Arabic. The curriculum focuses on Modern Conversational Arabic, with certain benchmarks in Grammar, Listening, Reading and Writing. The first class is dedicated to assessing the student’s abilities. Depending upon your level of Arabic, the class is used with a mix of Arabic and English; however there is emphasis in your correction comprehension of the language so you are able to translate what you are speaking or reading.

  • Qur’an. My girls and I studied with an incredible tutor 6-days a week in Gaza this past Winter and we returned determined not to let our momentum drop. Masha Allah, we were very fortunate to have 1 of the 2 Shaikhs who has an ijaza and can give an ijaza for them. Masha Allah, to work with one of these Shaikhs the student must be serious and more advanced, as their time is very valuable. Masha Allah, the older two have been accomplishing amazing things with him during our short 2-weeks. However, he has formed an incredible relationship with our youngest which literally has brought her love, devotion, and abilities to a whole new level. Always the “cute youngest one” who can get away with slipping on homework, or just being passed off with the same surahs over and over again; Shaikh has found a way to encourage her to reach levels we all know possible. My girls have the utmost respect for him (as they do all their Qur’an teachers, many having been Shaikhs, Hafiz, etc.); however, they marvel at his most beautiful recitation of the Qur’an. They love his immense level of patience we have never seen in any Imam, Hafiz or Shaikh who teaches Qur’an to kids EVER before! Just like default Arabic instructors, its obvious when an Imam doesn’t want, like or know how to teach to kids. We’ve seen, heard, and watch screaming, hitting Imams both overseas and here in the States! All my girls are eager to please him with very strict homework but given in the most kind voice and tone (mashaAllah). They’ve always known that their goal is first to please Allah and their parents. However, they “feel” they can really do it with the help of this Shaikh, and we envision a lifelong relationship with him; insha Allah. My female instructor, masha Allah, helps me move faster than I’ve ever moved in 2-days’ work simply because she has an immense amount of patience, she allows me to move at my pace, and she teaches and corrects me until we perfect it together.:-D
6. Fun, Interactive, Personalized, Student-Paced One-On-One Classes. Having some very bad experiences this past Winter in 3 different Arab countries learning Arabic and working with Muslims; sadly to say my girls were really turned off by the Arabic language. They resented it for many reasons, and I totally empathize with them because they were ridiculed and bullied by Arab-speaking Muslim children and adults–something that would NOT happen here in the U.S…or at least, it NEVER happened by non-Muslims here to us in the U.S.! Anyways, aware that they must learn Allah’s language and obey their parents; they went through the steps simply to “get the job done”. Having experienced Umrah helped them maintain their Qur’an, but wanting to keep a language of people who hurt them the most was not a pleasurable thing. Knowing Arabic is a desired language for the Ivies somewhat encouraged them; and knowing we have a “private language” when we’re in public and want to talk privately kept it alive a bit too. However, the past 2-months have been more difficult–until meeting Alif Arabic. They actually look forward to Arabic!The biggest compliment I can share is: They Want More Arabic Classes! The girls and I agreed that 3-days a week of Arabic is more than enough, especially if they get homework. You must remember, we’re not traditional homeschoolers, so taking 5-days-a-week classes of anything besides Qur’an is an atypical regime for us.
  • Fun & Interactive. They are not bored at all. The 30-minutes goes by so fast. They’re reading, speaking, listening, writing notes, and can’t wait to start using their Writing Pad. I already started using the Writing Pad.
  • Well-paced. All of us are where we feel is appropriate, and the assessments were right on target! ;-)
  • One-on-One Skype Webcast. The full 30-minutes is dedicated just to one single person. No sharing time with other classmates, wasting time, or falling asleep. Note: All you need is a computer with Internet access, and a free Skype account.
  • Monthly Reports. One service only AlifArabic offers is their fully-translated Arabic-to-English monthly progress report for each student. While we haven’t received one, on the first day the Shaikh and his wife talked to me. Once the Shaikh had one issue with 2 of my daughters and the next day, they came back over-pleasing him, alhumdulilah. So, even an extra minute here and there between the teacher and parent was extremely helpful!
7. Acceptable Cancellation and Reschedule Policy. When we started, I informed Customer Service of my anticipated week off. They have a generous 72-hour cancellation and reschedule policy. Since I gave them weeks’ notice, and informed them that I most definitely can give them 48-hours notice, once I reported my ~60 hours notice, we were able to cancel all classes and were not penalized. They have room for emergencies, and have a strict tardiness policy. In most cases both the instructors and the four of us have all be well-prepared and early/on-time for class, alhumdulilah.
8. Professional Business Designed To Meet A Great Demand. As I mentioned earlier, there’s a huge demand for Qur’an and Arabic teaching services, however I’ve talked to about three different programs like Alif Arabic over the past 3 years, and never able to find time, a female instructor, or qualified instructor. Also, having an average American family size of 3 kids, and my interest in learning as well; balancing 4 students for 2 different classes is quite difficult. However, with the 24-hour scheduling, the 24-7 classes availability, and all the above reasons–Alif Arabic is by far the very best online program I can find for my own family let alone to recommend to you. The best part is, they even found me (just like 2 of the 3 of their competitors did). Now, since they approached me given my strict desires in the “ideal” program, I had the pleasure  to speak and work directly with their Head Director, Head of Marketing, and Head of Ambassador program. I assure you, Alif Arabic and their staff is committed to pleasing their clients and growing their brand.
  • Customer Service Oriented. Their customer service reps work 24-7 as well; and they are incredible! They make all the scheduling possible. If you made it this far–you know scheduling and rescheduling my family’s classes must be crazy. I’m just happy they’re making it all possible–subhan Allah, with our preferred instructors. I know we’re early in the game, so my biggest recommendation is: Get In Now! We already built life-long relationships; and we’re all committed to keeping our present instructors even with our 3-hour time difference change.
  • Lofty Goals. I’m so happy for Alif Arabic, alhumdulilah. They just secured a federal grant, because they are employing Egyptian employees post-revolution. They have Lofty Goals of Multiplying their present student base of ~220 students worldwide and ~2-dozen instructors by A Lot by the end of this year! And, I want to help them; don’t you? We’ll all gain from it too! More in the bonus section below.
9. Most Affordable. I’m extremely frugal…one of the biggest reasons we stayed overseas for 4-months rather than 1: because it’s so much cheaper to learn Arabic and Qur’an there–often free. However, if you read above–free is not necessarily the best at all! When compared to their competitors, there’s no competition! For the amount of hours offered–the rates are low. MUCH lower than my private tutors; AND nothing compared to an evening or weekend class with untrained, over-stuffed classes for both Qur’an AND Arabic, because these are all one-on-one classes.
10. Offers a 2-Class FREE Trial; So Get Started Today! Sign up here, and Please do not forget to say American Muslim Mom referred you. Yes, I will get a tiny percentage if you decide to register, however, you can too if you continue to read the bonuses below.

5 Bonus Reasons Why You Should Use Alif Arabic 

11. Summer Intensive Programs Designed for High School and College Students or Adults. Highly intensive 3 or 6 week program for either 2 or 4-hours per day 5-days a week. Due to our hectic summer travel schedule, we did not even consider this option; but looking at the curriculum depending how far we all get throughout the upcoming year we’re may definitely be interested next Summer, insha Allah.
12. Creative Marketing – #RamadanReady – 50% Off The Summer Intensive. Are you Ready for Ramadan? How are you preparing for Ramadan? Tweet and/or Facebook your Ramadan preparation with the hashtag #RamadanReady and tag @alifarabic, to receive 50% discount on these classes. More information available below:
13. Register Today for Limited Time Only Special Discount for AmericanMuslimMom Followers! Totally convinced by this review? No need for the free trial? Ready to jump in a secure a great instructor right now? Register here for $88/monthrather than regular $95/month.
14. Need-Based Scholarships Available! Can’t afford or even need partial financial assistance? and be sure to mention American Muslim Mom as well!
15. Get Paid To Refer Students! Want to grow your income by promoting an incredible much-needed service? Become an AlifArabic Ambassador and gain a percentage of the monthly subscription. Join this Referral Program Today, and please don’t forget to say American Muslim Mom referred you!
My girls and I genuinely love Alif Arabic and feel that everything they offer is meeting our religious, personal and academic needs. We know will be continue to use their services as I, personally, have big goals in mind and have been working on side-projects that will only make their services even better and more marketable. I’m offering my expertise, and personal time because I feel its all a service to Allah subahan Allahu wa Ta’ala. I’m also enjoying these incredible lifelong relationships with the various staff during our short time working with them–all because I took the first step and said “Yes” to letting Alif Arabic enter our home on a daily basis! Won’t you let them enter your homes?
Honestly, you have nothing to loose and everything to gain! With Ramadan around the corner, wouldn’t it be an awesome accomplishment to say Ramadan 2012 was so memorable for me because I was able to Read and Recite Qur’an based on the rules of Tajweed–all because I choose to invest in myself AND my kids by using AlifArabic!? Feel free to ask any questions or share any concerns you may have in the comments alone.

Alif Arabic – The Best, Most Affordable Qur’an and Arabic Learning Program – Special Discounts Available!

ou may have noticed that we have an awesome new partner and sponsor Alif Arabic, as demonstrated by this incredibly cool new personalized flash button by our very own in-house KidBloggersClub Digital Design Services.
Anyways, my girls and I have been taking Qur’an and Arabic for about 2-weeks now full-time; and absolutely love their services! As you know we are a very mobile family; in the past 4-years we have not been in 1 city, state or country for more than 4-months at a time. We recently returned from a 6-month trip to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Gaza; and in just the past 3-weeks we have been in 5-states (and NOT just “passing by” them; we stayed days and nights traveling as tourists or visiting extended family).
The purpose of sharing our extremely hectic schedule is to emphasize two things:
(1) We’ve tried MANY Qur’an and Arabic programs, class-settings (ie. private tutors, immersion overseas, small group classes, etc.) and curriculum,
(2) Consistency is difficult in both their Qur’anic and Arabic studies because of our mobile lifestyle.

Starting with Alif Arabic

To put our review in perspective, I will share our present status when we started with Alif Arabic 2 weeks ago:
Arabic Background: Alhumdulilah, the girls and I are very comfortable shopping overseas by ourselves, and holding conversations in Arabic. The girls have traveled to over a half-dozen Arab countries, regardless of the dialect, everyone thinks our oldest 2 are fluent in Arabic. They know how to adapt to Palestinian, Egyptian and Saudi Arabian Arabic; but when they are in other countries, they use fusha Arabic to communicate. Our youngest speaks comfortably with kids (who all think she’s fluent), but with teachers and adults she’s less comfortable. While our girls have taken classes in formal writing and reading; I  never took any formal or informal Arabic classes. I learned conversational Arabic from living overseas for collectively 3-years.
Qur’an Background: Two of my 3 girls have been taught the Qur’an with arkam, the rules of Tajweed since they were very young. The youngest and I were just taught arkam for the first time this past year in Gaza. I do not focus on memorization; my goal is to read the Qur’an correctly according to the rules of Tajweed.
How Many Lessons We’ve Taken So Far: As of today, my girls had 7.5 hours of Qur’an; 30-minutes a day 5-days a week each; 2 hours of Arabic 30-minutes a day 3-days a week each. I have taken 3 hours of Qur’an and 3 hours of Arabic classes. 45-minutes a day 2-days a week.

Mummy Says, A Muslimah’s Guide to Fun, Healthy Eating

It’s important to get kids wanting to eat healthy from an early age and understand why it’s necessary.
Greenbird Books has published “Mummy Says, A Muslimah’s Guide to Fun, Healthy Eating.”
This book, written by Sister Sherifah Baharudin and illustrated by Azra Momin,  provides guidelines to do just that. Muslim kids will enjoy Mummy Says’ easy to follow, colorful journey through all the main food groups.
As they turn each cute illustrated page, kids will learn what’s good to eat and what isn’t, Insha’Allah.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

2 sentence Creed

Creed is the basis and foundation for the other pillars of Islam. Creed is the spirit, essence and foundation of all Islamic teachings. Every person who entered / converted to Islam must first read the sentence creed. Creed Syahadatain often called because it consists of two sentences (in Arabic means two sentences Syahadatain Creed). The second sentence is the creed: 
1. An Asyhadu-Laa ilaha illallah, 

2. wa Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar rasulullah, 

The first sentence indicates the recognition of monotheism. That is, a Muslim trust only Allah SWT as the only God Almighty pledged So with the first sentence for a Muslim to establish himself to make only Allah SWT as goals, motivation, and way of life. 
The second sentence indicates the recognition that the Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of Allâh. With this sentence pledged to establish himself a Muslim to believe in Allâh teachings as conveyed through Muhammad, 

How many times a day and a night we are required to read the creed ... ... ... ..? 
His answer that there are two nine times lo ... .. How can ... ... .. ??
First: we Muslims are required to read two-sentence confession of faith as much as nine times a day and night, its implementation is in the amount tahiyat in prayer as we know in the literature there are two sentence tahiyat creed is not ...!? So if we count 
1. Dawn first time reading the creed tahiyat = 1 times 
2. Dhuhr, ashar, maghrib, and the evening 'two times each creed: 2 x 4 = 8 
From the number above in mind that we must read the creed nine times a day and night. 
Sentence content Creed 
• Pledge 
The pledge is a statement of a Muslim about what we are saying diyakininya.Ketika syahadah sentence, then we have an obligation to uphold and fight for what we promised it. 
• Oath 
Creed is also meaningful oath. Someone who swore, meant he was willing to accept the consequences and risks in the practice of any such oath. That is, for a Muslim that means ready and responsible for upholding the rule of Islam and Islamic teachings. 
• Appointments 
Creed also significant promise. That is, every Muslim is a person who promised faithfully to hear and obey in all things to all commands of Allah SWT, which is contained in the Qur'an and Sunnah. 
Terms Creed 
Calligraphy writing creed 
Terms creed is something that without the existence of disyaratkannya then it is not perfect. So if someone say two sentences creed without fulfilling the terms, it can be said syahadatnya invalid. 
Terms of creed, there are 7 (seven), namely: 
• Knowledge 
Someone must have knowledge of bersyahadat syahadatnya. He is obliged to understand the contents of the two sentences which he declared that, as well as willing to accept the consequences of his words. 
• Confidence 
Bersyahadat someone must know perfectly the meaning of the creed without the slightest doubt on that meaning. 
• sincerity 
Ikhlas means net heart of everything that contrary to the meaning of the creed. Speech riya creed or mixed with a certain tendency will not be accepted by Allah SWT. 
• Honesty 
Honesty is the fit between words and actions. The statement must be declared with a verbal confession of faith, believed in the liver, and is actualized in charitable deeds. 
• Lovely 
Means to love God and love for His messenger and those who believe. Love must also be accompanied with anger anger toward everything that is contrary to the creed, or in other words, all the science and charity that violates the Sunnah Rasulullah SAW. 
• Reception 
Acceptance means the acceptance heart of everything that comes from God and His Messenger. And this should be led to obedience and worship to Allah SWT, by believing that nothing could save him except teaching guides and coming from the Islamic Shari'a. That is, for a Muslim there is no other option except the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah. 
• Submission 
Submission is submission and surrender to Allah and His Messenger as is necessary. That is, a Muslim who bersyahadat must practice all his command and leave all of his ban. The difference between the proceeds and the submission is that the revenue made by the liver, while the submission made by fisik.Oleh Therefore, every Muslim who bersyahadat always ready to carry the Islamic teachings in their life. 
Meaning for the Muslim Shahada 
For adherents of the religion of Islam, Creed has a meaning as follows: 
1. entrance to Islam; legal conditions of faith is by bersyahadatain (witness the two sentences syahadah) 
2. the essence of Islamic teachings, the principal of the teachings of Islam is syahadatain, as teachings that brought the prophets and Rosul-rosul previous 
3. foundation of faith, building faith and Islam is actually standing on two sentences syahadah 
4. distinguishing between Muslims and infidels, which is in respect of the rights and obligations of the Shari'a] to be received or paid by a person after he uttered two sentences syahadah


sholaah" which means shalat.While understanding by the term Islamicshalat is a religious charity that consists of the sayings and deeds that starts with theTakbir and end with regards to the conditions and the pillars tertentu.Sholat an obligation for every Muslim five times a day and night. Command first time rill shalat delivered to Prophet Muhammad when he was Isra 'and Ascension directly from Allah SWT. This is described in the following hadith: 

Prophet said: Allah Almighty has obliges over my people on the night of Isra 'pray fifty times, so I selallu back to face him and pleaded liability waivers be made so that the shalat five times a day and night. "(Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim). 

"O ye who believe! Ruku'lah you, prostrate yourselves, worship your Lord and do good deeds, so that you get a victory." (Surat al-Hajj: 77) 
"And be steadfast in shalat, give regular Charity, and ruku'lah with those who are bowing." (Surat al-Baqara: 43). 

Shalat worship is worship of the first count in the reckoning, as thehadeeth of the Messenger of the following: 

"Charity is the first time that a slave brought to account on the Day of Judgement is shalat. 
If the shalat of good deeds then let all the others, and if shalatanya damaged then corrupted all the other charity. "(Narrated by At-Thabrani) 

Shalat is also a means of erasing mistakes and sins. In a hadithstated as follows: 

From Abu Hurairah ra, who said: Rasulullah SAW said: "Shalat and praying five times a week that one to the other Friday shalat is as eraser error that occurred on Friday during the time between the two did not do a great sin." 
Mandatory Conditions Shalat 

Understanding "the pen has been lifted from three cases, namely from the kids so she grew up (Baligh), from now sleep so he woke up from a madman and so she is well again." (Narrated by AbuDawood and Ibn Majah). 
There was a hearing, which means children who were born deaf (deaf) is not obliged to do shalat. 
Holy of menstruation and childbirth. 
Until the Islamic da'wah to him. 
Terms sah Shalat 

Hadats sacred from either small or hadats hadats big. 
The sacred body, clothing and shalat from the unclean. 
Closing the aurat. Aurat men between the center of breeches and female genitalia is the whole body except the face and slaptelangan. 
Shalat time has been signed, which means that unauthorized entry when done yet time to pray or has timed out. 
Facing mecca. 
Pillars of Shalat 

Pillars can also be called fardhu. The difference between the terms and harmony is that the requirement is something that must exist in an act of charity work deeds of worship before it was done, while the pillars or fardhu understanding is something that must exist in a work / deeds in the time of execution of a job / these deeds 

Shalat are 13 pillars, namely: 

Intention, namely to work menyengaja pray for God Almighty. This intention made by the liver, and can also dilafazkanin order to help to convince the liver. 

"Behold, the act must be with intent, and any acts that depend on the intention." (Reported by al-Bukhari) 

Standing for those who can afford. For people who can not afford so he can pray while sitting, lying down or by gesture. 

Takbiratul ihram. 
"The key to shalat is purification, its opening is with membca Takbirand the lid is to read the greetings. 
Read Surah Al-Fatihah. For people who pray munfarid he must readsurah Al-Fatihah is perfectly after takbiratul iftitahihram and read the shalat on the first cycles and in subsequent cycles perfectly. If he became a congregation, then when the priest reads Al-Fatiha is hard (at the maghrib shalat, evening and dawn) then ma'mumshould not read anything and she should listen to the imam reading.When the priest read a letter or a paragraph, then at that time that Al-Fatihah ma'mum read in a low voice that could only be heard by himself. (Obligation to read and time to readsurah Al-Fatihah there is a difference between schools there yanga). 

"There is no shalat for those who do not read surah Al-Fatihah." (Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim). 

Ruku 'and thuma'ninah. The point is membungkukan body until your back to be the same flat with the neck, and hands holding the knees in a state of the fingers outstretched in peace. 

"Shalat is not enough if someone does not straighten his back at the time of bowing and prostration." (Narrated by Five ExpertHadith). 
I'tidal with thuma'ninah. Intention is to get up from bowing and back perpendicular to the calm. 

"And if he lifted his head (from bowing) he stood up straight so that the back of each vertebra back into place." (Narrated by al-Bukhariand Muslim). 
Twice with thuma'ninah prostration. Its purpose is to put both knees, toes, palms, and forehead to the mat / floor. 

"The Prophet ordered that prostrate on seven types of members and so as not to tighten the hair and cloth (as prostration), namely: the forehead, the palms of the hands, knees, and toes." (Narrated by Muslim). 

From Wail bin Hujr he said: "I saw him prostrate prior Prophet, he put both his knees before the two palms of his hands." (Narrated by Four Experts Hadith). 
Sitting between two prostrations with thuma'ninah. The point is to get up again after the prostration of the first to sit quietly. 

The last sitting. Tasyahud he means sitting for end of the last cycles after the wake of the latter fell down. 

Tasyahud reading at the time of the final sitting. 
Reading sholawat the Prophet Muhammad in the end after reading tasyahud tasyahud. 
Greets first. 
Statutes, that is to practice their religion should pray tukun berututan from first to last. 

From the thirteenth pillar is shalat, can be grouped into three types, namely: 
Pillars qalbi, includes one pillar that is the intention. 
Qauli Pillars, covering the five pillars, namely: takbiratul ihram, read al-Fatiha, read tasyahud end, reading sholawat and greetings. 
Fi'li Pillars, covering six pillars, namely standing, bowing, i'tidal, prostration, sitting between two prostrations, sitting tasyahud akhir.Adapun thirteenth pillar, that is orderly, is a combination of qauli and fi'li.


something. While the terminology, is to refrain from breaking the fast during the day along with the intention to fast for someone who has been required since the appearance of dawn until sunset.
Details, fasting is to maintain the jobs that may invalidate fasting such as eating, drinking, and intercourse on throughout the day (from dawn until sundown. Fasting obligatory upon a Muslim who Baligh, intelligent, clean from haidl and parturition, with the intentionsincere solely because God ta'aala.
The rukunnya is refraining from eating and drinking, to keep their chastity (no intercourse), not to break their hold, since the publication of reddish horizon (dawn dawn) to the east until sunset.Word of Allah Almighty: "And you eat and drink until the white thread of light from the black thread of dawn." (Al-Baqarah: 187).
Ibn 'Abdul-Bar in the hadith the Messenger of Allah "Truly ordinary Bilal Azaan at night, then you eat and drink until Ibn Umm Maktum hearing azan," declared that the white thread is at dawn and dawn is only done before dawn. "


"And be steadfast in prayer, give regular Charity, and ruku'lah with those who are bowing" - Al-Quran Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 43
Zakat is an obligatory alms issued towards the end of the Muslim month of Ramadan, as a complement to fasting. Zakat is one of the three pillars of the Five Pillars of Islam.
Zakat literally means "grow", "developing", "purified", or "clean".While in terms of Shariah, Zakat refer to the activity of giving some of the wealth in the number and specific calculations for certain persons as specified.
Zakat Law
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam, and became one of the principal elements for the establishment of Sharia law. Therefore the law of zakat is obligatory (fardhu) for every Muslim who has fulfilled certain requirements. Zakat is included in the category of worship, such as: prayer, pilgrimage, and fasting that have been regulated in detail and patent based on the Qur'an and Sunnah, as well as a social charity and humanity that can develop in accordance with the development of mankind.

Various Types of Zakah
Zakat is divided into two types namely:
Zakat FitrahZakat is obligatory Muslim Idul Fitri issued in the month of Ramadan. Zakat is large, equivalent to 2.5 kilograms of staple food in the area concerned.Zakat Maal (Wealth)Include the results of commerce, agriculture, mining, marine products, livestock, finding treasures, gold and silver and the results of work (profession). Each type has its own calculations.Entitled to receive
Indigent - those who almost did not have anything that can not meet the basic needs of life.Poor - Those who own property but not enough to meet basic needs for survival.Amil - Those who collect and distribute zakat.Muallaf - Those who newly embraced Islam and need help to adjust to new circumstancesSlave who wanted to liberate themselvesGharimin - Those who are indebted to the needs of halal and not able to fulfill itFisabilillah - Those who fight in Allah's way (eg, propaganda, war, etc.)Ibnus Sabil - They are running out of money on travel.Are not entitled to receive zakat [1]
The rich. Messenger of Allah said, "It is not lawful to take alms (zakat) for people who are rich and people who have the power of power." (Bukhari).Bondsmen, because they still earn money or the dependents of the master.Prophet's descendants. Messenger of Allah said, "Surely not lawful for us (Ahlul Bait) take alms (zakat)." (Reported by Muslim).People in the tithe dependents, such as children and wives.Infidels.


Hajj is a religious treatment of Muslims who have expressed a lot of symbolic tohumans in the form of self-assertion, demonstrations or perisytiharan, rather than demanding something that is kebendaaan or mundane, but the demonstration to express unity with slogans and laungan sacred sentence, Allahhu Akhbar, Allah is Great , over and over again with conviction and devotion, a clear and explicit recognition of Kufr or Pagans do not even enjoy it.
Pengisytiharan tauhid a clear and coherent laungan simultaneously conducted the name of Allah, "Allah Humma Labayk Labbyk, Labbaykka La Syarikalak Labbayk, Innal Hamda al-Ni'mata Laka Wa wa al-Mulk, La Syarikalak", dilaungkan not kerana something lacking, butrevelation of something of worship in the form of demonstrations against shirk, injustice and human error that is not done by God mentauhidkan.

Assertive attitude and stance in the case of 'ubudiah the teachings of the anbia' since the time-berzaman diisytihar clearly necessary in order to once again do not get involved with shirk or tanghut.

On the contrary shall devote themselves solely kerana Allah - self, thoughts, fizikal, possessions and nawaitunya only to God alone.All forms of heresy, polytheism or worship system towards compulsory taghut shunned.
Islam does not demand his act back to the party who memsongkan creed, but being Muslim, goodness and security. However, if they often and continue to try to manipulate God mentauhidkan human than a practice of worship is manifested in the form of overt demonstrations of their work against the heretical even idolaters, infidels and munafiqun groups do not enjoy it.